
Saturday, September 28, 2013

What people don't tell you about your body after baby pops out

Here is my list of information, IMPORTANT INFORMATION AT THAT, people should have shared with me during my pregnancy that I guess they so happened to forget!!!

When you are pregnant everyone is so excited and can't wait to give you all the advice and should do's about being pregnant. I heard..
"oh yea that's normal"
"girl, that happened to me too"
"do this, it will help with that"

But those heffas didn't tell me what to expect right after the baby popped out.

  • Boobs get even bigger when the milk comes in 
    • Yes, you get bigger breast when you are pregnant hip hip horay for you. BUT when that milk comes in, those jugs get even bigger. 
    • I already had nicely shaped 36Cs, but chiiiild, after that milk started leaking I went to DDs. Most people would be happy, however none of my shirts fit. Double Ds do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT fit in a size small or even a medium shirt.
  • Scary Shakes 
    • warning, this was the most important piece that slipped their minds...
    • laying on the table, allowing the Dr. to cut you open while you are still awake is scary enough, now add constant shaking to the mix. My body went into tremors during and 2 hours after the procedure. 
    • I would have greatly appreciated someone, anyone warning me of this. I thought I was experiencing the pre-death shakes seen on TV. The bright room didn't help any. 
  • C-section will give you stretch marks
    • I went 9 whole almost 10 months without a single mark. Then one day a certain Doctor decided she wanted to operate AND pull AND tug on my body. low AND behold...sad face
  • The Uterus doesn't deflate for 6-8 weeks
    • Now, I knew I wasn't going back into my skinny jeans soon after my princess left my uterus, but I didn't think it would take 8 weeks to shrink minus the extra pounds I have to work off
    • yes breastfeeding helps but it's not the magic cure some lead you to believe
  • Breastfeeding= watery poop
    • I'm no fan of poopy diapers, however the diapers I have to change are like muddy water with crumbs. One good thing is the odor isn't bad
    • Muddy water diaper that come out in a liquid fart will get on everything in fart radius

I mean I was traumatized during/after delivery, so with this list I hope my fellow preggers ladies will be more prepared

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