
Friday, December 13, 2013

New Mothers Must Have

As you can probably guess my life is now consumed with taking care of a little baby that is now 5 months old. I'm very particular with who can hold her and I'm just now feeling comfortable with my husband (who I am so thankful to have because single parenting is way to hard) watching her for more than an hour. With that being said, she won't be in daycare anytime soon!! (SO very thankful I am in a position to stay home with her) Let me count my blessings, I'll share those later hehehe

Anywho, the purpose of this blog is to tell soon to be moms what they absolutely need to buy or add to the registry for their upcoming bundle of craziness. Getting all the cute stuff is fine and dandy but this...this right here... below...must have!!!! Like for serious

1. A hands free breast pump holder. This is the best thing EVER!!!! Before, I was sitting like a cow bored holding the pump to each boob for 20 minutes plus. such a freaking drag. BUT thanks to my good mommy friend Shana, I am able to write this blog and pump at the "same damn time" (2 chains, future or whoever sings that song voice)

2. Nipple Shield/guard whatever it's called. Picture below. Some of you may not have trouble latching but I had a hell of a time. The key is to not get frustrated and keep trying, which is what I did and it paid off. But before the pay off I got a nipple shield. This really isn't a must have but it helps. In time you won't need it anymore. In fact my dog ate mine and I never went to buy another. Hey, now she latches no problem. 

3. HUMIDIFIER. greatest invention since sliced bread. clears stuffy nose and anything else that comes to mind. I keep it going every night no matter what just to add moisture in the room and prevent stuffiness. Sometimes new babies get congested, it is recommended to use non-mediated saline, nose syringe, elevate mattress, and get a humidifier. THIS IS A MUST HAVE 

4. Nose suction syringe. The hospital should send you home with one. The store bought manual ones suck, so use the hospital one. However, they make electric nose suction things and it is so much better. Just think about it, no one wants something poking in their nose sucking out buggers and snot. get the electric one. It's about $25

5. The Boppy pillow, it's multi purpose. Breastfeeding, tummy time, naps (although it states it's not used for sleeping), lounging around. 

6. I am a fan of the Angelcare motion monitor. It monitors movement to help prevent SIDS and has a camera with a two way talking monitor. Now this is expensive but it will give you slight peace of mind. It was recently recalled because of the cord, but that problem has been corrected so no biggie. 

7. Car mirror to watch baby while driving. As you know the car seat faces the back and you are unable to view all the trouble baby is getting into. The mirror allows you to continue driving while locating the pacifier in order to pop it right back into his/her mouth. Extremely helpful. 

8. Baby Bullet or any kind of food processor. It is soooooo much cheaper to just make baby food than to buy it. A can of baby food cost $.99 or more depending on the brand and organic preference. One sweet potato, squash, carrot, etc cost the same $1 but last 3 days plus. You are welcome I just saved you money!!!

Hope this helps complete your registry. If I come up with more, I will be sure to add. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dancing with the Stars...Fort Wayne style

Dancing with the Fort Wayne Stars

Pictures below

I attended a charity event here in Fort Wayne for The Carriage House; a clubhouse designed to overcome mental illness. The event is of the same concept as ABC's Dancing with the Stars but with Fort Wayne businessmen/women.

The Carriage House mission is assisting people in recovering from mental illness and returning to the community. With the assistance of the Carriage House members have the opportunity for employment, education, and returning to their lives. ~cited program book from the event

The purpose of the event is to raise money and boy do they raise money!!! Like hella mucho money!!! Tickets are $100 per person (for a nasty buffet meal) and $5000 for a table on the dance floor; the room consisted of 100 tables at 10 people per table. So you do the math on that.

I will help ya out on basic math not including the $5000 floor tables: 
10 people x 100 tables = 1000 people
1000 people x $100 per person = $100,000
Lets include the floor tables and say there was 10 floor tables 
10 tables x $5000 per table = $50,000
...more money to be calculated shortly...

Now each year approx. 10 'celebrities' are chosen coupled with 10 professional dancers. {I was invited through a participant, because ya'll know I'm not spending $100 for that!! It's a good cause but...yea well... ugh no! } 

Couples dance the first round and the top three with the most money/votes goes to the second round. Now you are thinking, 'she said money slash votes, huh??' You are alloted 1 free vote, after that it's $10 per vote. So the riches man/woman with the wealthiest friends can literally walk on stage stand there, walk off, write a check, and win the whole thing!!!!  

I'm going to talk race relations for a bit. Don't get all sensitive on me people please. It's race relations not racism...

Now my people may have the same mind I have with spending $100 per plate and then having to pay to vote but anywho, there were 4 black people in the audience of 1000 (not including the wait staff).  F...O...U...R. Like 1..2..3..4. not 40, or 14, or 24, but 4.

I would hope next year they will add some diversity to their lineup and in their audience, because that was a diversity hott efffing mess. 

What people don't tell you about your body after baby pops out

Here is my list of information, IMPORTANT INFORMATION AT THAT, people should have shared with me during my pregnancy that I guess they so happened to forget!!!

When you are pregnant everyone is so excited and can't wait to give you all the advice and should do's about being pregnant. I heard..
"oh yea that's normal"
"girl, that happened to me too"
"do this, it will help with that"

But those heffas didn't tell me what to expect right after the baby popped out.

  • Boobs get even bigger when the milk comes in 
    • Yes, you get bigger breast when you are pregnant hip hip horay for you. BUT when that milk comes in, those jugs get even bigger. 
    • I already had nicely shaped 36Cs, but chiiiild, after that milk started leaking I went to DDs. Most people would be happy, however none of my shirts fit. Double Ds do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT fit in a size small or even a medium shirt.
  • Scary Shakes 
    • warning, this was the most important piece that slipped their minds...
    • laying on the table, allowing the Dr. to cut you open while you are still awake is scary enough, now add constant shaking to the mix. My body went into tremors during and 2 hours after the procedure. 
    • I would have greatly appreciated someone, anyone warning me of this. I thought I was experiencing the pre-death shakes seen on TV. The bright room didn't help any. 
  • C-section will give you stretch marks
    • I went 9 whole almost 10 months without a single mark. Then one day a certain Doctor decided she wanted to operate AND pull AND tug on my body. low AND behold...sad face
  • The Uterus doesn't deflate for 6-8 weeks
    • Now, I knew I wasn't going back into my skinny jeans soon after my princess left my uterus, but I didn't think it would take 8 weeks to shrink minus the extra pounds I have to work off
    • yes breastfeeding helps but it's not the magic cure some lead you to believe
  • Breastfeeding= watery poop
    • I'm no fan of poopy diapers, however the diapers I have to change are like muddy water with crumbs. One good thing is the odor isn't bad
    • Muddy water diaper that come out in a liquid fart will get on everything in fart radius

I mean I was traumatized during/after delivery, so with this list I hope my fellow preggers ladies will be more prepared

Sorry for the wait....

Hello world, as you can see I haven't blogged in a long while. Apologies!!!

In my blogging absence I had a job, got pregnant, quit the job, had a that order

So much has gone on in that time frame it's time to share, so here is a list of topics I'm going to write about. I have to write it down or I will forget (mommy brain is real)

~ working in rural Indiana and lack of culture and effects of BET ignorance 

~ Things people should have told me about post pregnancy 

~ being preggers

...and I may shed light on my dad getting married. not sure how personal I want to get with you people just yet.