
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hosting local Fashion Show...

Lets Get Fierce! Lets Get Fabulous! Lets Get Fashion  

Well if you didn't know by now I hosted a local fashion show here in Fort Wayne for a women's organization called the Cosmopolites. Before hosting the show I asked a few people about their views from past shows. I was told it was boring and ancient!!!

"Aww another FW bust!" I thought to myself and openly expressed to others hehe

As the show approached,  I learned more details about the ~quote on quote~ "fashions" (and I use that word so loosely because Dress Barn and your personal closet doesn't really count) but I was a bit concerned about what I got myself into. 

Just like the ladies predicted, it was a packed house with the attendance dressed to impress like only they can! keep in mind my location  I'll just say this, what's a dime here is a penny with a hole in it else where. Pop! I'm done

My friend Jonathan Krazer recorded some video, that I'm still waiting to get back in order to make a reel. hint hint 

I hope I added a little bit of flavor, spice, and youth to the show:

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