
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Youth Leadership

An amazing woman name Sheenah Johnson (Owner of a Sheekristyle Dance Academy, Employee of Girls Scout of Northern Indiana and Michigan, and Super Mommy) as me to speak to a group of young ladies at a leadership seminar she hosted here in Fort Wayne. 

Of course I said yes. One of the perks of being Mrs. Nebraska is speaking to young ladies!!!

I was extremely nervous because you know kids can be so cruel and honest, but they were the opposite. Some of the points I wanted to address were:
~higher education
~making good grades
~choosing the right friends that have ambitions and capable of achieving their goals
~join extra-curricular activities or start something at your school
~respecting your peers, teachers, and ones self 
~creating you own 'cool' and not following the bad influence of 'cool'

I enjoyed our informal conversation of sitting on the floor with our fun socks and learning about their school experiences. I had a speech prepared but that went out the window once I entered the room. Speeches can be so boring especially to a group of young people that really just want to be heard.

We touched on the above topics and I was presently surprised the girls already knew the message I wanted to deliver. When asked 'who are your role models?' I will not tell a lie; I was expecting answers like Nicki Minaj, some bball babymommas, or other crazy deranged superstars. However, the girls said members of their families and even Sheenah. 

Maybe our generation isn't lost, or at least not these 17!!!